White River Morning

| Thursday, September 11, 2008

Canadian Geese White River - Bull Shoals, Arkansas

As I stood on the shore of the White River at the base of Bull Shoals Dam in Northern Arkansas, I chatted with friends and eagerly waited to board a small johnboat to take us trout fishing. Just beyond the boat, was a beautiful scene unfolding.

I grabbed my brand new camera that my husband just bought me for our 21st wedding anniversary. I snapped off a few frames of the sun coming through the trees as the fog lifted from the cool river. By itself, that would have been enough. But just as I lowered my camera, I saw that a gaggle of geese had floated into the frame.

It was a lucky shot, and one I am extremely proud of since it is the first "in-field" photo that I took with my new E-3. Just standing on the shore, I was totally unaware of exactly how beautiful the scene would actually translate to the camera.

©2009 Laura Smetak All rights reserved. All photos and stories on this blog are copyrighted and use without the artists express permission is prohibited.