A Token What?

| Friday, September 12, 2008

Shame on you...A liberal in the midst of a conservative state.

I have a really talented friend who has a hilarious view on the world. Thanks to him and my Peace Corp friend, I am being swayed to the dark side. Never completely sold on true conservatism, I can be swayed easily. I was never one of those in-your-face religious conservative nuts who just seem to hate all liberals. Hey, some of my best friends are liberals. I was even a liberal arts major.

Side note:
I have this strange dual personality. When in college, I started out as a political science major, hell-bent on becoming a lawyer. In that school, everyone kept asking "You're an art major, right?"

"No", I'd say, wondering why the hell do they think that?

Then after figuring out that I hated to do all the required reading, I decided to switch my major over to Advertising Art. And in that school, I kept getting the looks that said "You ARE an art major, right?" Crap!

As my friend Kelly told me, I was the most liberal conservative she knows. Right down the middle...the best place to be if you want to be hit by a Mack truck.

Back on subject:
I am like my mom, never completely sold on either side, never wanting to claim one as my own. My dad on the other hand...a true Roosevelt Democrat. I think my mom just enjoyed cancelling out his vote most of the time. I think there may of been times my dad went to vote and purposely didn't volunteer to take my mom, knowing she'd just not go by herself. It was that kind of relationship. But I inherited that bit of skepticism from her.

My husband is beginning to turn too. A time for change. A change you can believe in. Oh, boy...now I am spouting the message.

So if you just want to read some pretty hilarious crap and a warped view on life, you got to go read my friend's blog to the right (no pun intended here either). Token Liberal and Sporting Press are a daily must read, and he's an awesome cartoonist. His commentaries and wacky web searches make you wonder just what does he do all day.