What Dreams May Come

| Thursday, April 30, 2009

This one's for you Isaac...no photo only stupid shit.

I had the strangest dream last night.
I dreamt that I was at a fancy party with old friends. The guest list included friends from school, friends of old friends, family members of friends of old friends. People I hadn't thought of in years. We proceeded into a debate about photography and wedding photography. It was very strange.

I never cared to do weddings, as I mentioned earlier. But I did do one a couple of years ago because my friends' photographer had a death in the family 2 days before their wedding. They called me and I explained how I didn't do weddings, but as long as they were prepared to get what I could give them and not expect traditional wedding portraits, I would do it. They had faith in me that I didn't have in myself. At the end of the experience, I was very proud of the photos I took.

I guess the previous post (and the inordinate amount of time I have been spending on Facebook lately) was working on my subconscious.

So, back to my dream...someone asked why I would actually want to do more weddings. Then the debate began about whether you take photos of what you want or what the wedding couple wants. This is the one strange question I remember...."What if a guy was in a dress, what you would do??"

I debated the scenario with such flair, I would have made Clarence Darrow proud. I went to the mat with my beliefs. How I wouldn't exclude anyone from a photo. And the cross dresser would probably be the most interesting photo in the bunch. It would be the one to make the story complete. This must be my photojounalistic style coming out. I argued all sides. I deflected all arguments coming from the party-goers like Wonder Woman deflected bullets with her bracelets.

I woke up with a huge smile on face, feeling all proud of my new-found skill as a debater and the flair with which I presented my "intellectual arguments". Until I realized, I had just been arguing with myself for the past hour.

©2009 Laura Smetak All rights reserved.
All photos and stories on this blog are copyrighted and use without the artists express permission is prohibited.


Dan said...

Sounds like some interesting internal dialog going on around your approach to wedding photography! You must be feeling a little stress over this.

-isaac said...

i love it! :D i remember you telling me about this! i've had dreams like that too...not about weddings, but ones where i do something where i'm proud of myself, only to feel silly that it was only a dream. but at least we know we have it in us! :D