What's the buzz?

| Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bee and Bluebonnets - Denison Dam, Texas

Normally flying insects just freak me out. I go crazy when they are buzzing around my head. But for some reason, from behind the camera, I have a bravado that my friends and family would never recognize.

This poor little guy figured I had become his stalker. I followed him around as he buzzed through the wildflowers. I was only using a 28mm lens, so I kept getting ever closer. Before I knew it, I was within inches of the thing. Finally he turned at just the right angle for me to get my shot. Then I smashed him with my shoe...

Ok, not really. That was to see if you were paying attention.

Later I thought-What the hell was I doing?

A camera can feel like a suit of armor at times, a barrier from the subject. At others, you feel you are viewing the subject differently through the lens, in touch with it on a level you cannot explain.

I feel stronger and braver. I could do things that normally I wouldn't do. Like follow a little bee around, or jump from a plane (which I haven't done, but if I were to jump, you can bet there will be a camera involved!)

I have taken photos of vehicle accidents and natural disasters. Although I care for those who are suffering, I feel differently from behind the lens. It is a strange detachment, yet a connection at the same time. I don't really feel that except from behind the camera.

©2009 Laura Smetak All rights reserved.
All photos and stories on this blog are copyrighted and use without the artists express permission is prohibited.


PuppyJones.com said...

I feel the same way about flying buzzing things. I love this photo and like how you described how you feel behind the camera.
~ Grace (Hampton's mum)